I know that I have posted about learning to depend on God and not my husband. My husband is tangible and my best friend - not to mention, he's a wonderful protector and sounding board. For the month that we lived apart, I learned quickly that I had to pray through things because I couldn't call him every time I needed something.
This weekend I had social networking drama - a friend unfriended me - and my husband was at a church event. I was going to the event, but I had to wait 2 hours before I would get there. I texted my mom to ask her about it, but I also prayed.
Can I tell you that, as soon as I got to the event, I forgot about the ENTIRE thing?!?!? I didn't remember until I walked back in the apartment and saw my computer. I told my husband about it and we really ended up laughing. God gave me so much peace about the situation that it didn't even cross my mind.
A year ago, I would have packed up the kids, gone to the event early and then cried on my husband's shoulder.
I'm so glad that I have learned to "cast my cares" upon God who can take them and carry them so that I can go on with my day!
The growing pains are challenging but the outcome is so rewarding! I love how God draws us closer and closer. Many blessings :)