Friday, August 17, 2012


I'm sure you've heard the saying "God is never late, he's always on time." Personally, as much as I know it is true; I hate that saying. I hate it.
However, I think that God tests us in this. He tests us in our trust and faith in his timing and provision. He does that with me anyway. Let me tell you another story of how he has worked things out for us.
You all know that we started our journey to Parma May 19 when we made an offer on a house. It was a short sale which is really code for "get your hopes up so they can be destroyed sale!" After 9 weeks, the bank decided not to sell us the house. Thus, we now live in a 750 square foot apartment.
After about 2 days in the apartment, I had to pray for God to change my heart. I tried to be grateful for at least being here, but I was stressed and cramped. I have mentioned before that God has told me that my testimony will be how he sustained me and yet again he has.
He has made opportunities for the kids and I to make memories. He has taught us how to teach our kids and shown us provision time and time again - and it's only been 19 days.
Thursday we looked at houses. We were going to look at one a second time and our realtor had 2 others to show us. When we walked into the first house (the second time house) I hated it. I couldn't get out fast enough. Then Lori took us to a house she'd found for us. It was actually one that I'd seen online and didn't pay attention too. It's the opposite of the original house we offered on in May! It needs some work (mostly just painting), but we loved it as soon as we walked in. We sat down with Lori to make our offer.
Here's the kicker(s). I finally decided on Monday/Tuesday to finish hanging pictures on the wall and unpack the last of the boxes. I was refusing to do anymore unpacking because I didn't want to live here long enough to worry about it. When I decided that I needed to live in a homey and peaceful place, God decided that he could move me out of it!
Not to mention, August 16 was our LAST paycheck from last school year. We have NO extra money coming in at the moment. Isn't it just like God to time things so that they can only work in his power! We can afford the house, don't get me wrong; but until I start working, we have 0 extra cash. Tonight, after waiting 24 hours, the sellers countered with an offer that we accepted. We qualify for an FHA loan which means the house will need to be inspected and certain things will have to be fixed. The seller offered to fix those things if we paid a little more money. This will save us from having to have a certified person take care of anything needed repaired.
I've gotten to the point with God, that I know if I can figure out a plan in my head, he'll make something else happen. If I can figure it out then I'm probably operating in my flesh and I'll get glory for it. When we let things happen according to his plan, we can't help but give Him the glory. I'm sure in about 6 weeks, I'll be very content with God's timing. Right now, I'm pretty sure he's shaking his head and reminding me that he has his own schedule!

1 comment:

  1. God is so faithful! I am so excited for you guys and praise God that you settled in so quickly and now you get to move! Looking forward to all that He does for you guys!
