Thursday, August 2, 2012

learning to be content

And here comes another lesson!
It has been a few days since I've blogged. Sunday we drove to Parma and back for church; Monday we moved to Parma; Wednesday I drove back home for a 31 party; I drove back to Parma. Today (actually about 15 minutes ago) God gave me a "put on your big girl pants" lesson.
I am thrilled, to say the least, to be under the same roof with my husband. I love being together, making him dinner, sleeping in the same town/county/building! I've also whined... a lot! I'll be totally transparent, I am NOT an apartment person. We are on the third floor. If I need to make multiple trips to the car, I have to get the kids together, lock the door, go downstairs, find my car - in a parking lot - climb the stairs carrying who knows what and usually a child, unlock the door to get back in. I don't mind the city. I'm starting to like it, actually. It's a little crazy, but I love that I can walk to anything (I won't, but I could if I wanted to).
I prayed a lot today on our way back to Parma for God to please give us a house. While we were standing on our balcony tonight, the kids were marveling at a squirrel. I was counting the beer cans the neighbors dropped off their balcony and on to the "yard." God reminded me of how much I whined in Farmdale. It was almost a "you're never happy with what I give you" feeling. Then I remembered Paul in Phillippians 4:12 "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." I have NOT learned this.
I did decide today that I don't want to be miserable everywhere I am and I've pretty much done that the last 6 weeks. So, from now on, I need to learn "the secret of being content in any and every situation."

1 comment:

  1. beautiful, real post Natalie. It is awesome that you are so willing to hear God's lessons. It will be difficult, but He will give you the stength and endurance you need. This is all part of the catapulting experience...enjoy the ride :)
